Pupil Premium & Sport Premium

Pupil Premium

All state-funded schools receive Pupil Premium to make sure all children achieve their full potential. The government sets the criteria for Pupil Premium.

Currently it is awarded to schools based on the number of students who are eligible for Free School Meals, or have been in the last six years, as well as children who are, or have been, looked after by the local authority. A separate Service Pupil Premium is additional funding for students whose parents serve in the armed forces. Pupil Premium is not an individual budget for specific students and the school can choose how to spend it to deliver the greatest benefits.

You can read more about how we spend our Pupil Premium budget by clicking the link below.

Meadow Bank Pupil Premium Strategy 2023/24


Sports Premium

Meadow Bank, like all state-funded schools, also receives Sports Premium funding to help all children live healthy, active lives. We believe that all children should have access to inclusive, enjoyable physical education to help embed healthy habits. You can read our Sport Premium strategy by clicking on the link below. 


Meadow Bank Sport Premium Impact Statement Meadow Bank Sport Premium Strategy 2023/24